Re: [Evolution] Calendar substitutes "http://" for a "caldav://" address

On Fri, 2015-08-14 at 10:03 -0700, Cameron Adamez wrote:
I have Davical installed on a server. The URL that it uses for
calendars is in the format of caldav

However, when I tried this in Evolution 3.16.4, I get the following
Unable to connect to 'Unnamed': Cannot open calendar: Unexpected HTTP
status code 405 returned (Not Allowed) for URI:

Is this a bug? Otherwise I will have to put in a redirect, but I feel
that is a bad idea.

the caldav:// URL is only a help to applications to distinguish what
to do with it, how to interpret it. It is always changed into http://
or https:// in the case of caldav://. The change in more recent
evolution (not only 3.16.4) is that it replaces the caldav:// with
what it uses. If you toggle the "Use secure connection" below the URL
it'll be changes into https://.

I do not know how your server is setup, maybe you force https://, but
 http:// is used instead, thus I would try that, but otherwise do not
be confused with the caldav:// replacement, it's all fine.

By the way, did you fill also a username in the calendar properties? I
think the 405 error is returned for non-authenticated requests, while
evolution knows that you want to authenticate only based on the
username being filled.

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