[Evolution] [solved] 3.12.7: Crash with segfault accessing the junk folder (was: Junk)

I let Evolution delete the Junk folder at exit, this worked.
After that I could access it.
When new junk was received, I couldn't access the Junk folder again.
At exit Evolution again deleted it.
Then I accessed the empty Junk folder and removed the column "Location".
When I received Junk again, I could (and still can) access the Junk
JFTR I one time received Junk, could access the folder and the column
"Location" worked. In the past it often happened (without a "Location"
column), that I could access the folder, but when selecting some Junk
mails, Evolution crashed, while selecting most other Junk mails, nothing
bad happened.
I don't file a bug report yet, because there still is another issue,
with filtering Junk mail, by the Message filter and I still need to test
if the "Action" "Unset Status" "Junk" does solve the issue.

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