Re: [Evolution] Your message was sent, but an error occurred during post-processing.

On Sat, 2014-10-04 at 12:46 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

I have it set as .Sent in Maildir folder, the screenshot below shows
this. Permissions for the .Sent folder are

drwx------   6 chris chris   4096 Oct  3 08:29 .Sent

Sometimes it saves to the correct sent folder but more often than not it

I'm not entirely clear about something here - your screen shot shows
that the sent folder is "ChrisP/INBOX/Sent" - so presumably the
Evolution account "ChrisP" is a Maildir folder on your own computer?  If
so, then surely the folder name should be ".INBOX.Sent"?  Or if the
"INBOX" mail folder is really the "Inbox" (other than just being called
that!), then it would be "..Sent". The .Sent directory refers to the
Maildir folder "ChrisP/Sent".


Correct, all mail goes to a Maildir folder with their own '.' name. This
is exactly the same way Evo was setup on my old Mandriva box before it
died including the settings that were in the screenshot. All that should
be doing is telling Evo that 'Sent' is a separate folder in the Maildir
folder. Maybe I should have mentioned, if I didn't, that I have this
setup as a local IMAP account using CourierIMAP so in the Maildir folder
I have cur, new, tmp for the INBOX and the rest of the folders are in
'.' format. that have their own cur, new, tmp folders. But, you probably
know this. And again, this problem doesn't happen every time but it's
intermittent. For instance I just replied to another post on this list
and it saved to the correct 'Sent' folder. I guess the real question is
what does this mean:

Error appending message: Stream has outstanding operation


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