Re: [Evolution] evolution send problem

On Fri, 2014-01-24 at 13:57 +0100, Ingo Walter wrote:
I' am using evolution for many years.
Now I got an error by sending mail.
I'am using GMX as provider.
Everytime I changed my password at provider side I can't send emails
any more.
I'm configured evolution with imap. See attached error message.
The authentification window will be not displayed after pushing the
send button.
What can I do?

You could probably update the password by using "Seahorse", but
Evolution seems to store passwords under cryptic names like "Evolution
Data Source 1234567890 12345 67 foo bar". So it could be quite some fun
to find the right item. Garrrrr. Hopefully some developer can explain
why this is such a bad user experience.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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