[Evolution] Use of certificates from LDAP to encrypt messages using S/MIME


I've been trying to look if retrieving and using smime certificates store in 
LDAP directories (or GAL/Exchange) is possible using Evolution, or it is some 
feature for future releases.

Everything I have found so far is some old mails from 2004. I have tried all 
sort of combinations (Evolution EWS, Evolution+Davmail, Mozilla+Davmail, 
Kontact+Kleopatra+Davmail), but I am stuck. I don't know what else to try.

My server is Exchange 2010, and my main requirement is to encrypt messages 
using smime certificates from LDAPs/GAL. No chance to import locally all the 
certificates (thousands ...)

Is this / Will it be possible with Evolution?

Thanks in advance,


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