Re: [Evolution] Getting newer Evo than found in distro (was: About performance)

On Tue, 2013-05-14 at 11:33 -0400, Mark Filipak wrote:
On 2013/5/14 7:50 AM, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
 > If you run the "evolution" command from the command line [gnome-terminal]
 > you may see text error messages upon the uninitiated exit, they may be
 > illuminating as to the reason.   But I did see such behavior *rarely* in
 > some versions of 3.6.x
 > This is generally true for UNIX apps; run them from the command line to see
 > stdout/stderr messags if you feel that something is amiss.
That's a great tip. Idea! = Is there any way to permanently pipe stdout & 
stderr (from all sources) to an open terminal window that's not part of the 
offending application's execution thread? If so, I would have that window 
automatically open when I boot Linux.

Nope, stdout/stderr is directly associated with the execution of the
application.  Every process has a
standard-in/standard-out/standard-error [although they may choose to
close one or any of them].   Windows has this too, but it is rarely used
for anything useful.

Typically the application launcher can be modified to run-in-terminal
that automates this behavior.

 >> Evo 3.6.2 is what my Software Manager fetched when I selected to install
 >> Evolution. How does a linux-person get and, especially, install the latest
 >> version? (Simply pointing me to a web site is fine.)
 > Packaging is always a distribution specific issue.   For openSUSE, for
 > example, there are repositories one can subscribe[via zypper] and update to
 > for the 'latest' versions of software.   That means someone has to package
 > it - but for mainstream software like GNOME that is almost certainly being
 > done by someone.
 >  So it will depend on what distribution you are using,
VMware Player 5.0.2
Host: WinXP3, 32-bit
Guest: Linux Mint 14, 64-bit + Xfce 4.10
I think you're telling me that I'd need to subscribe to something associated 
with Linux Mint. Correct? 


I'll ask at the Mint-user forum. What do I ask for? - 
Is there some technical name for this needed subscription?

Generally the term is 'repository' [as in repository of packages].
Anything Ubuntu related will have their own customized obfuscated
terminology that nobody else uses.  I think the current vogue term in
Ubuntu land is "PPA".

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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