Re: [Evolution] About performance

On Tue, 2013-03-12 at 09:54 +0100, Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado wrote:
I wonder how to start debugging here. Maybe strace to see what your
computer is doing? Have you checked forums and bugtrackers of your
distribution if other users face the same problem?
I've checked some lists, googling, etc and found some really angry
users about evo performance. But I don't 
rely on just one opinion and continued looking for help. There's
nothing more I can find, so I went to this list. 
I thought that an SSD disk would help but it does not. 

No, because the computer is actually possibly doing nothing - so more
horsepower will not help.  That is why it is important to see what is
actually going on.

Most of the performance problems are encounter are not due to
insufficient resources; but are the result of something waiting on
something, that is possibly waiting on something.  Everyone waiting.
Computers are more powerful and applications more complex - so this is
the 21st century performance problem.  Fortunately it usually isn't that
difficult to suss out what is going on [or not going on].

And I don't want to do old way of solving problems: "If your
program is slow, buy a new computer". That's not the way. 

Nobody recommended that.

But I want Evolution go better...

As does everyone here.

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