Re: [Evolution] Replying to spam

On Wed, 2013-07-10 at 06:25 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Wed, 2013-07-10 at 10:49 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
Andre, it's better, if we don't reply to spam, to enable easier and more
secure filtering of junk mails.
I think it's not better per se, and I missed the implementation details
of "enabling easier and more secure filtering" here...
It could happen that replying to spam will increase the false rejection
and/or false accept rate.
To be honest I think the level of non-caught spam I get just from
posting to this list (or any public list) far outweighs the noise
associated with replying to spam here! :-)

Really?  I do not believe this at all - I've been using this same e-mail
address - unobfusticated [awilliam whitemice org] - to post to dozens of
lists since the nineties.  And the level of SPAM I receive [unfiltered]
is quite low, barely rising to the level of nuisance.

There have been a couple of case studies - and what I read indicates
there is no correlation to SPAM and posting to public lists.  Far and
away, way past anything else, the driver for SPAM found in those case
studies was using an e-mail address to sign up for corporate services /
discounts.   Addressing anything else for a 'SPAM problem' is chasing
the mouse in circles around the dragon; it does little but amuse the

Sorry for my broken English. I misunderstood Pete. I agree with you
Adam. There's more talk about spam, than spam. But as I already said,
perhaps talking about spam (from time to time, not always when a spam
mail comes through a list) helps to keep the amount of spam low.

However, if I should continue this discussion, I'll reply off-list.

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