Re: [Evolution] Replying to spam

There have been a couple of case studies - and what I read indicates
there is no correlation to SPAM and posting to public lists.  Far and
away, way past anything else, the driver for SPAM found in those case
studies was using an e-mail address to sign up for corporate services /
discounts.   Addressing anything else for a 'SPAM problem' is chasing
the mouse in circles around the dragon; it does little but amuse the

I've no doubt you are right, it's just a feeling I get about the volumes
of spam on different accounts.  Personally, spam doesn't really bother
me - delete and forget.  Some of my users however get really stressed by
it and complain about every bit that gets through the filters (and
complain even more about real mails the get trapped) - I've even been
BCC'd on an email conversation/argument that one of my users was having
with a help desk bot at a bank for which he had received a phish - it
was nothing to do with the bank, my phishing filters had tagged it and
neutralised it and they hadn't given out any info, but they still felt
the need to tell their bank about it at great length (and get very
stressed with the "nonsensical" replies that "Ben" the bot on the
helpdesk was coming up with).


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