Re: [Evolution] Erronously disabled account

Since the menu item says "disable account", I suppose there is -
somewhere - a command to re-enable the account I disabled, but I can't
find it, 

Edit -> Preferences 

and then tick the box next to the account name.

Ok, I've seen it and resolved the issue.

However, I wondered why wasn't I able to find it, and I think the answer
is that when I had configured the account on my evolution (about 7/8
years ago) I had defined a gmail account, and actually I have a gmail
account in my preferences, but it had remained active when I erronously

The account I had to reenable is the "on this computer" one, and it
cannot be edited!! Apparently it receives the incoming mail from the
gmail account, which is my predefined one.... This is a mess I cannot
understand well... where can I find an explication of these things? or
does the mess come from some erronous position of my mail folders?

don Paolo Benvenuto - momenti di vita parrocchiale - Cathopedia, l'enciclopedia cattolica - Materiale per la pastorale

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