Re: [Evolution] evolution discloses private information in an email header.

There is nothing to do with the paranoia


 here but rather a very bad implementation decision in my opinion.

It's the "normal" way of generating Message-IDs - I've seen lots of
other MUAs use it.

What I am trying to request here is that Message-ID should not use _plain text_ 
The simplest solution in my opinion is to use any kind of one way encryption for the existing right of @ 
This would preserve all existing Message-ID logic and completely hide internal_hostname.internal_domainname.
Adding sender email domain (after encrypted part) aka Thunderbird is optional...

Is my explanation clear?

I understand what you are saying, I just don't think it's an issue.
What is wrong with using the name of the computer in the Message-ID? The
host is behind a NAT, so it's not as if you are inviting people to try
and attack it.  So yes, it exposes some information, but that
information is, as far as I can see, fairly useless.  Unless, of course,
you have called your computer something really embarrassing ...

Nevertheless, if you think it's an issue, then file a bug report - it's
the only way something is going to change.  It's then up to the
developers to decide if it's something they want to change.


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