Re: [Evolution] "Create an event" from the attached message by right-click

On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 19:59 +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:
El día Monday, February 25, 2013 a las 07:16:52AM -0800, Andre Klapper escribió:
On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 07:16 -0800, Andre Klapper wrote:
file a bug report
Uhm, if you really run 2.32 I revert this statement. Too old.
In general, sometimes people have to use such an old version because a
newer is not available on there plattform, for example because Gnome3 is
not ported (or even not portable) to their system.
Correct. I refered to "filing a bug report in GNOME Bugzilla" as 2.x
reports are not welcome anymore, but users running such versions can
report problems and find support in the bugtracker of their
distribution, if their distribution still supports such versions.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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