Re: [Evolution] CardDav support 3.2.3

Matthew Barnes <mbarnes redhat com> wrote:
On Sun, 2013-08-11 at 09:34 +0200, Dirk A. Cremer wrote:
Is the Card-Dav-protocol supported by 3.2.3? 
CardDAV specifically is not yet supported and is high on my priority
list.  But CardDAV is just an extension of WebDAV, and so the WebDAV
address book type should work, just less efficiently.

aside:  i work on webdav, carddav, etc... support server-side

I use the WebDAV address book, in Evo.  It works pretty well in 3.6.x and later.  I recall some wonky bugs in 
previous  versions although it did work.  Particularly the configuration dialogs were twitchy and would 
'forget' fields.  PUT responses with 'Location:' headers did not work until late 3.6.

I'd strongly suggest getting a more current version.

Adam Tauno Williams

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