Re: [Evolution] Evo unresponsive on a specific message

On Tue, 2013-08-06 at 10:43 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
If anyone else is on the Fedora Test list, can they tell me if they have
problems with the following message:

        Subject: rawhide report: 20130805 changes

I've got it too, but not always. The message is 3.9MB large, and for me
the main thread is busy-looping in some WebKit ATK functions.
Interesting is that sometimes the the message is shown immediately,
sometimes after few seconds of chewing one core of CPU, sometimes never
(just busy-looping).

Please do as Adam said, file a bug report in GNOME's bugzilla (though it
might end in WebKit's bugzilla, after an investigation).
        Thanks and bye,

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