Re: [Evolution] Display issue...

On Tue, 2013-04-30 at 17:16 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:

David, you can view the source (Ctrl+U) and search for "charset" (quotes
for clarity only), to see whether there are any such headers, the
relevant header is Content-Type (that Pete already suggested).

You can also tell evolution to use a different charset than the one
detected, at View->Character Encoding->... menu (at the very bottom of
the View menu), though there were some fixes to make it work within [1].

Hi Milan,

THANK YOU!  That gave me enough info to see what was happening!  I
forced to UTF-8, and all corrected itself...  Hopefully that is sticky
for all messages now...

Also, another person asked what I was seeing, I was seeing the HEX
number for the correct punctuation in a little box, where the
punctuation should have been.


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