Re: [Evolution] Evolution on Ubuntu many problems - Help required

On Thu, 2012-11-29 at 20:21 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
experience posting questions on this list is that developers are
reluctant to take on problems unless you use the last Evo build, 
That's a bit unfair.  

Unfair? This is totally bogus.  People *very* frequently come to this
list using ***ancient*** packages;  nobody, nowhere, supports ancient
versions of their stuff.   

Neither does jumping across multiple major releases and expecting
upgrades to be seamless 'fair'.  Upgrade from Microsoft Office 2000 to
2010 [no, that isn't seamless at all, some of your documents will be
munged]. Life is easier if you keep up;  no matter what, if you sit
still for multiple years - going forward from where you are is going to
have thorns.  Not that I don't understand the temptation to sit on a
working install.

Try jumping straight from PostgreSQL 8.0 to 9.1.

Try upgrading your NT4 domain to Active Directory *now*.  You can't.
The upgrade tools have all been abandoned and no longer work.

Many bugs get fixed, especially from .0 to .1
releases, so in general the first thing to do is to run the most recent
version to see if your particular bug is fixed. If your problem is fixed
in the latest version, then the solution is to use the latest version.

This is easiest to do if you use a distribution which packages current
stuff and is at least within a proximity of 'mainline'.  A very common
distribution doesn't do that.

I also don't think you need to run the "most recent version".  It
certainly helps to run something close to recent.

If you can't run the most recent version, then you should still provide
valid backtraces so that the problem can be located and, if it is a new
bug, reproduced in the most recent version so it can be fixed.


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