Re: [Evolution] reanimation of backup

I, too, struggle with this problem:
**  backup of $HOME/framis  on  older workstation running older distro and parts
**  acquire new workstation; install new distro and parts
**  restore  backup contents  to new workstation as $HOME/framis/oldStuff
**  move data files to reasonable places on the new workstation
??? trouble ???  apps cannot find config details under new distro use
I have yet to find any apps with some "import config from earlier edition" menu option.
??? trouble ???  apps cannot find old data files because config details are not correct

Of course, I have all of the data files -- documents, images, databases, etc -- if
I could discover how to connect them with the now new applications they belong with.
Too bad that "backward compatibility" seems to be a lost art in software development.

If you upgrade a system, the first time Evo runs it will migrate all the
old data and config files to the new locations and, if necessary, new
formats.  I believe this might also be true if you restore backed up
files to their original locations on a different system (although I've
never tried it so can't be sure).  What Evolution has problems with is
if people try to second guess what has to happen and manually move the
data and config files around.

There's no menu option, because it is not something that usually needs
to be run more than once, and in any case Evolution detects when it
should be run.  (If you run Evo from the command line, one of the info
messages is about migrating settings.)


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