Re: [Evolution] Exchange MAPI

On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 13:51 +0100, David Woodhouse wrote:
On Mon, 2012-07-09 at 10:35 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:

Hm, no mention of Evolution-ActiveSync there... :)

The 3.2 version of that URL still said:
"For Microsoft Exchange 2007 and 2010 the package evolution-ews is
currently under development and will replace evolution-mapi in the
future. It might not be available yet for your distribution."

What is the status of Evolution-ActiveSync and what would it replace? 
If it does not replace anything, what are its advantages and
disadvantages over, say, evolution-ews, from a user point of view, and
which Exchange server versions does it support?

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