Re: [Evolution] Evolution and Midori web browser: Links not opened in running instance

Am Samstag, den 21.01.2012, 11:26 +0000 schrieb Pete Biggs:

A second test I did now was to enter `midori` in the
terminal and in that case with an instance of Midori running a new tab
was opened in the running instance.

The last test was to open an URL from another GNOME program like GNOME
Terminal. This showed the same behavior as Evolution and therefore this
looks like a general GNOME issue.

I wonder if it's possible that something got confused and there are two
versions of the browser on your system.  If you do 'which midori' and
'gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http' does it come up with
the same location for the browser on both?

It looks like the same.

        $ which midori
        $ gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http
         command = midori %s
         needs_terminal = false
         enabled = true



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