[Evolution] Evo 3.2.2 Outlook meeting requests TNEF/winmail.dat

Hi All.

I've experienced this on-and-off over the years but lately it's much
worst. 9/10 times I receive a meeting request from Outlook 2007/2010
users, the attached meeting is corrupt. When I click one of the buttons I
get a notice from Fedora that the data-server failed. I've tried all
kinds of different approaches ie. checkboxes checked/unchecked diff

The _only_ thing that seems to work is either delete/recreating my
calendar or simply creating a new one. On the first meeting request and
for a few others Evo allows me to accept them. Thereafter I'm back to
9/10 failing. I have no idea what's allowing me to accept 1/10 mostly
because it's so infrequent I'm not noticing a pattern.

Anyway. Any insight/assistance/suggestions are greatly appreciated. I
don't particularly care about these meeting requests personally but they
are an absolute must professionally.

Here's some potentially useful background nfo:

Fedora 16 32-bit
Evo 3.2.2
I've only received invites from MS Outlook 2007/2010
-I used to get them from a client that was on 2003 a few months ago but
that was also on an older version of Evo(3.2.1 I think) on Debian

Hm. In the interest of troubleshooting standards and proper "flow of
information" from me to you, I have to mention that...I closed Evo just
now to re-launch from the terminal so I could post the error the
data-server spits out and low-and-behold I just successfully accepted 3
invites in a row! Now I have _no clue_ what's going on. My inability to
eccpt meeting requests has been going on for some time and has gotten
significant;y worst since I switched to Fedora a ~month ago. I don't
imagine this has much to do if anything, with Fedora but more so the Evo
version Deb vers. Fedora uses. But that's just a gut feeling and a bit
of experience in troubleshooting talking.

So I guess my first question now is:

Is anyone else in this predicament?


If so, can we compare circumstances please?

Sorry for the lengthy msg but this is important to me.


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