Re: [Evolution] Some questions


On Wed, 2012-01-18 at 13:46 -0600, Leonard Evens wrote:
I regularly use evolution under Fedora Linux 14 at home.

Note that Fedora 14 does not get any security updates anymore and is
unmaintained since last month.

I am currently
in rehab after back surgery, and I am using  a laptop running ubuntu
10.04 LTS, on which I also have evolution set up as my mail agent.

I only use the laptop occasionally.

1.  I have, on my mail server, a file named learn, and that file is
visible from evolution.  I regularly move spam into the learn folder,
and each night a program on the server teaches spamassassin to
incorporate that the messages it finds in learn.

However, I recently found I can't, while in evolution, move files from
inbox (on the server) to learn.  Evolution gives me the message "Error
while Moving messages into folder learn".

Is there any more output, or is that all?

  But I have other folders on
the mail server visible to evolution from which I can move messages to

What might be the problem?  On my home machine, I've been doing this for
years without problems.

2.  Another problem is the following.  Whenever I switch folders on the
mail server visible under evolution, evolution gives me the message
"Error while  Storing folder 'INBOX'.

Is there any more output, or is that all? 
My guess would be
Might be related to your first problem.

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