Re: [Evolution] GTK transparency issue partially back after upgrade from 3.2 to 3.4

Am Mittwoch, den 22.08.2012, 11:21 +0200 schrieb Milan Crha:
On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 09:33 +0200, Paul Menzel wrote:
GTK+ 3.4 is rife with regressions due mostly to the move to X Input
Extension 2.x (XI2) and CSS handling changes.  If you build Evolution
3.4 against GTK+ 3.2, a lot of these issues go away.  But most distros
are shipping GTK+ 3.4 now.

That still does not explain, why Evolution 3.2.2 did not have these

it does explain it. The problem is not in evolution, but in gtk3
version. Older evolution used older gtk3, newer uses newer. And newer
gtk3 is "broken" in certain ways.

No. Just Evolution was upgraded. libgtk3 stayed 3.4.2-3, which contains
the patch.

I submitted a new report for this issue to the GNOME Bugzilla [1]. 

The best is if the gtk3 maintainers will be able to handle found
regressions, the worse is to downgrade gtk3, but it's usually not
doable, as it's a core system component and other projects can depend on
newer gtk3.

True. In GNOME Terminal it helped to deselect the check box ÂUse system
theme in the profile to not have a black background.




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