[Evolution] Notes on Data migration Evolution 2.24.5 to 3.4.3

Attached is the file notes containing my notes about the migration of
Evolution data from 2.24.5 to 3.4.3.
The basics of this file is the procedure to migrate data (not a complete
configuration) from 2.24.5 to 3.4.3.    
The data can be merged into already existing data running under 3.4.3.

The scenario I was under was;
1. I had an older system running Fedora 10 Evolution 2.24.5 that had an
apparent hardware failure.
2. A new laptop running Fedora 15 with Evolution 3.4.3
3. I already had the new systems email up and runnning.
4. I was not using calender or other features of the Evolution on the
old system.

I hope this helps others so afflicted.

I would like to thank those that contributed information to my search
for a solution.

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Description: Text document

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