Re: [Evolution] Airplay for 8 Evo enhancement requests

On Friday 27 of April 2012 14:47:09 Nick Jenkins wrote:
Hi all,

Now that the Evo 3.6 development period seems to be underway, I'm going
to post a short list of the Evo enhancement requests in bugzilla that
stand out for me the most.

There's roughly 73 open and 105 resolved bugs - a superb ratio - in
bugzilla for Evo that I've got bookmarked, either from mentally going
"+1", or from logging.

For the open ones, my very subjective "top 8" Evo enhancement requests


just some notes regarding what we can('t) do with WebKit:

Mail: Spell check does not spell check an email's subject line [Probably
blocked by the WebKit composer transition?]
WebKit can do spell checking only in it's own widget. We will probably have to 
use some other existing spell checking solution.

Task/memo/cal: Undo function for edits to tasks, notes, appointments.
We could use WebKit for editing here as well. It can handle undo/redo etc. and 
later, when we sort out how to store formatted text in vCard/iCal (or can we 
already?), we will just "unlock" the functionality in the WebKit editor.

Mail: Remote images in HTML emails very slow to load and display, blocks
display of email until completed.[Unsure if this is affected by WebKit?]
We are still fetching the images manually, but it's completely asynchronous 
and we use libsoup for it, so it's pretty fast now. Maybe we could close this 
bug already?

Calendar: Add spell check for calendar meetings.
See above; could be resolved by using WebKit as a simple editor for 




Obviously data-loss/crash bugs & the like are more severe than the
above, and I don't mean to imply otherwise. I'm fortunate that I rarely
experience crashes, so instead these are rough edges and gotchas that
the majority of new Evo users are likely to encounter in their first few
weeks of use, hence the desire to give them a bit of airplay and

-- All the best,

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