Re: [Evolution] Content of mails not indexed?

On Fri, 2011-05-20 at 16:33 +0200, Nicolas Michel wrote:
I had used Ubuntu for some years. Some weeks ago when gnome 3 was
realesed I decided to switch to Archlinux.
So I'm now with archlinux 64 bits - gnome 3 with gnome-shell and
Evolution 3.0.1-1.
Did you copy your old Evo data files to your new machine or did you
start with a new clean account?
If you copied them over, how did you copy them?
Was your old system 32-bit or 64-bit?
I started with a new clean account. But I'm working with IMAP so this is 
why I have 16K of mails.
Have you gotten Evolution up, and then click the work-offline, and say
yes to synchronize dialog?  Let if finish that once.  That will ensure
everything gets copied down to the local cache.  Your old box may have
just accumulated the messages all along as you used it.

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