Re: [Evolution] evolution won't show email

On Fri, 2011-03-04 at 10:20 -0500, Eric Morey wrote:
After un-subscribing and then re-subscribing to my inbox and sub
folders then restarting evolution, everything was working as expected
fro about 20 minutes until my inbox messages became inaccessible

list of subscribed messages is managed by the server with IMAP protocol
and evolution asks for it on every start. If server unsubscribed you
from your Inbox for some reason, then it may explain the issues and
fixing by subscribing again, though it's usually pretty unlikely that
the server does this thing, especially for Inbox folder. I wrote
usually, because you said in another email in this thread that other
users are experiencing issues with IMAP on the server from other clients
too (I suppose they use different clients).

Evolution may try to keep subscribed to Inbox in IMAP on its own, when
connecting to it, but it may either fail on your end or the local cache
of folders has noted that the Inbox is subscribed, so it doesn't try
that again. This is for "imap" provider.
        Hope that helps,

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