Re: [Evolution] Evolution 3.0.2 routinely fails to fetch mail

On Tue, 2011-06-28 at 16:40 +1000, Andrew Cowie wrote:
Upgrading to Evolution 3.0 has been quite unpleasant.

I haven't had any problems with 3.0....

 Now on 3.0.2, the
problem is that mail checks intermittently fail, resulting in a horrid
red bar appearing on the screen.

Yeah, a bit "in your face" isn't it.  But I only see it when there are
actual network problems - mostly with gmail.

 After "Dismiss" this ugly error message
to get out of the way, and then "Send/Receive" again, which fails
silently but immediately. Then a third "Send/Receive" then works.

Although apparently not the same problem that others have been
reporting, this falls into the same general "networking is broken"
category. Anyone have any idea what's going on?

It's difficult without more information.  Is this POP or IMAP or MAPI or
EWS or local mail retrieval?  Have you done any other investigation?
Like run Evolution from the command line? Enabled the verbose/debugging
flags?  If so, any clues?  Any error messages?

What about your service provider? Network?  Are they reliable? 


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