[Evolution] [RFC]: Quicker stable releases to fix serious bugs.

Dear Evolution folks,

for whatever reasons the transition from 2.32.3 to 3.0.2 was pretty
rough for me. Seeing that a lot of these issues had been reported in the
Evolution bug tracker before my upgrade and were therefore known and
supposedly fixed, I still upgraded to 3.0.2 because no updated release
was made.

I do not know how you interact with distribution maintainers, but as far
as I know the Debian maintainer does not have a lot of time to look
through the bug tracker or applied fixes and apply those to the package.

Besides of that all distributions maintainers should be relieved from
that task as much as possible to not duplicate any work.

Therefore could you please roll releases more often? At least were
serious issues are fixed, could you release 3.0.2.x so that
distributions can pick those up more easily?

In addition could you please maintain a Wiki page what known serious
errors are available in certain releases? Then distributions can decide
if it is a good idea to upgrade to a certain version (at least without
applying additional patches)?



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