[Evolution] Evolution settings lost if stored in a symlink directory

Moved to Evolution after 10 years of Thunderbird...

For security reasons I need to store my Evolution related files in an encrypted folder.

So I moved most Evolution directories to my Truecrypt directory (ext4) and created a bunch of symlinks:

- Settings: ~/.gconf/apps/evolution   ->  ~/secure/.evolution/.gconf/
- User data: ~/.local/share/evolution  ->  ~/secure/.evolution/.local/share/evolution
- Config & state files: ~/.config/evolution -> ~/secure/.evolution/.config/evolution
- Data cache: ~/.cache/evolution  ->  ~/secure/.evolution/.cache/evolution
- Password & X.509 certificates (I don't know where there are located)

I have a problem with ~/.gconf/apps/evolution because when I restart the machine and remount the encrypted drive then the mail/%gconf.xml no longer contains my account information so I get prompted for account creation. I then need to reconfigure all the emails accounts and settings however the local inbox is there with my emails.

The only workaround I found was to keep ~/.gconf/apps/evolution in clear text (not symlinked). Is there anything I should be doing in order to store my config directory in this encrypted symlinked directory?


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