Re: [Evolution] Sync'ing desktop & laptop Evolution

I'm running Evolution (2.30.3) on my desktop, and want to be able to
sync this with Evolution on the laptop (for use when away from

Can this be done simply by copying ~/.evolution from one to the
other? (This is what I do with the Pan newsreader and its ~/.pan

I wouldn't recommend syncing that way. It may have side effects. I'd
rather use SyncEvolution.

It would be nice to be able to sync the files too, surely? SyncEvolution
does a great job, but from memory (so I could be wrong!) it does
memos/appointments/contacts/tasks, but not email. So if you have local
email, that's not on an IMAP server, then file sync would be useful.

Also the two don't have to be in competition - they can be
complementary. File sync could be nice for users with a desktop for the
office & and a laptop for when they're on the road, who are already
using a service like dropbox, to semi-automatically keep the two in
sync. (I say semi-automatically, since you'd have to make sure the two
are not running Evo at the same time [evolution --force-shutdown on
both], and that all changes are synced between the two before switching
from one machine to the other).

Some of the obstacles to this seem to be: maybe the computer names in
some of the file paths (like
~/.evolution/memos/local/[random_numbers] [computer_name]/ ), and
perhaps binary files if evo uses those and they're architecture-specific
and there's syncing between architectures (like x86 <-> amd64), and the
gconf and password settings.

Semi-related to this, I have wondered if it would be helpful if Evo
shipped with a shell script that did what's described at
 using SSH and rsync, taking the destination host and username as command-line arguments.

-- All the best,

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