Re: [Evolution] Newbie : many questions...


Le Thu, 04 Nov 2010 15:16:17 -0430,
Patrick O'Callaghan <poc usb ve> a Ãcrit :
On 11/4/10 2:28 PM, David BERCOT wrote:

I'm a new user of Evolution. Before, I used Claws-mail. So, I have
many questions in order to have Evolution more... usable ;-)
- is it possible to have, in the folder list, the number of mails
   (total and not read) ?
- is it possible to reduce Evolution in the systray (notification
   zone) ?
- is it possible to change the font size in the folder list ?

I'm sure I will have other questions soon ;-)

Have you checked out the FAQ? See
It doesn't answer all your wuestions but it's a start. Best of all,
you can edit it yourself and add new answers when you become more

Yes, I've read the FAQ but the only thing I've found is 'alltray' which
not seems to be a great solution (in my opinion).

But you're right : if I have answers, I will add them in the FAQ ;-)

Does anyone has a clue for my questions ???

Thank you.


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