[Evolution] Selecting contacts from addressbook [Was: unsubscribe]

On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 15:34 +0200, Krzysztof BÅaszkowski wrote:
I know another joke like this and it goes as follow:

How about (a) not replying to a thread and changing the subject or (b)
at least changing the subject.

evolution user wants to write new mail to a recipient from address book.
the recipient has a few addresses (e.g. company) let's say he has 3. btw
it is not possible to assign more than 4, why ?
okay, user uses "contacts", selects right recipient and points some
address in the middle of the list displayed in bottom right window (that
one with contact's personal information).

I'm following this up to "points some address in the middle of the list
displayed in bottom right window"

I have no clue what that means.

user writes mail, sends it and oops, he notices that the mail was sent
to 1st address from the list of all defined mail addresses.
then he opens contacts again and does a few tests which make him sure
that no matter which address he pointed the mail composer would use
always the 1st address from the list.

I just checked.  I can click "To" in compose, select the contact from
the address book, and pick any address.  It works.,  If you mean
right-click on the contact in address book and click "send-message-to",
then yep, you're right.  And I don't see how you'd expect it to do
anything else.

Was it funny ? 
I think it is far more than winder dll story 

The "winder dll story"... what?

because it is regarding
qualifications of evolution developers. (some readers must be told this
I found also a rule how these addresses are sorted and it is not
alphabetical neither doesn't depend on position of email field from
"open" form (that one for editing contact's properties). cool. it
depends on something else. i will not tell.

It depends upon the slot value;  assuming I understand what you are
talking about.

But more seriously. I reckon that such errors are not supposed to happen
in a project which lasts for years. (i would make more allowances if the
project started 3 months ago). Such errors show only poor code quality
(people quality) and lack of QA or poor QA quality. (such people should
be fired out).

I'm certain your evaluation will cause devastating damage to the
developer's self-esteem.

another my conclusion is that if Novell wants to sell SLEDx with such
applications then i can say to Novell sales (and i bet not only me),
sorry folks i will not spend a penny on such crap. (i hope if a few
"coding" kids were fired then maybe others would do theirs job more

I'm glad your not my manager - all your projects will certainly fail.

you may don't like words like "crap" or "rubbish" but have you ever
thought if it changes something ?

Actually I think they are great works. "Rubbish", especially when
pronounced with a cockney accents is fabulous.

that's it. now i think about unsubscribing because it's a waste of time
receiving more post. 

Just follow the link at the bottom of every message

one more. openSuse doesn't have gtksudo (why ?) i had to use kdesudo
otherwise i wouldn't even bother with Gnome. Ksnapshot is also far more

awilliam linux-yu4c:~> rpm -q libgnomesu

which provides "gnomesu".  Works perfectly.

Krdc too, will not mention Kdiff3.
i consider also moving back to Kmail (under Gnome of course)

Awesome.  Have fun.
Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> LPIC-1, Novell CLA
OpenGroupware, Cyrus IMAPd, Postfix, OpenLDAP, Samba

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