Re: [Evolution] Hidden emails when searching in the whole account

On Sat, 2010-07-17 at 18:40 -0600, Simon Siemens wrote:
yes, it says "All Messages". Nonetheless, it always lists only the
messages from the inbox. 

[Please don't top-post]

Note that "All messages" applied to the current folder means "all the
messages in this folder". It doesn't mean "all the messages in this
folder and any sub-folders".

However, if the search is applied to "Current Account" you should see
all the matches. I just tried it on one of my IMAP accounts and that's
what it did. The only difference I can see is that my accounts are not
Inbox-rooted, i.e. my folder structure doesn't descend from Inbox but is
parallel to it. I don't see why that should matter though.


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