Re: [Evolution] meetings and alarms

On Mon, 2010-12-13 at 11:12 +0000, Joao Ferreira gmail wrote:
Hello all,
dispite I've been using evolution for the last 9 years :) I have never
before needed to use the Calendar... not Evolution's or any other.
Now I've come to a situation where it will be very handy but I have no
skills at all on this kind of SW (Calendar, Scheduling meetings and
I am receiving Meeting Invites from co-workers and I have just noticed
they are automatically propagated to the Evolution Calender, wich is
great !...
Now... would it be possible for Evo to automatically add an alarm to
those events in order to warn me 1 day before and/or 1 hour before ?
this would be a great thing.

Answer: Sort of.

In Preferences -> Calendar and Tasks -> General -> Alerts

Check the "Show a reminder XX YY before every appointment".

Which isn't really the same as adding an alarm *to the appointment* but
can accomplish much the same thing.  [The whole VALARM thing is crazy,
but this option works well.]  But you can only get one reminder this

While at work I always have my Evolution open in the e-mail section and
receiving an automatic e-mail would be just fine for me, as a warning,
like "Hei, remember you have a meeting tomorow"...

Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> LPIC-1, Novell CLA
OpenGroupware, Cyrus IMAPd, Postfix, OpenLDAP, Samba

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