Hello, I have successfully configured Evolution 2.28.3 and the evolution-mapi extension 0.28.3. Works great with my home Exchange 2007 server, but does not seem to connect to hosted Exchange 2007. Our hosted Exchange uses the autodiscover service to configure Outlook clients. Inbound connection requests to the hosted platform pass thru a firewall proxy and then land on the internal network which is part of a Windows domain. To log on in Outlook requires the User Principal Name (UPN) in the format someone somewhere com. So a hosted user account has both a UPN and SAM Account name in the domain\username format, with the latter being mostly unused outside the firewall. During account setup, Evolution prompts for server, username and domain. I think the hosting setup described above is confusing it e.g. the actual server FQDN is not accessible from outside the FW. Has anyone successfully connected to a hosted Exchange 2007 server? If so can you share secret sauce, please? Regards, Jarmo Paukkunen MCSE, Senior Member IEEE VP of Sales implement.com Email jarmop implement com |Office (206) 547-8100| Cell 425 281 4959 | Fax 206.547.8103 View my LinkedIn profile at http://www.linkedin.com/in/jarmopaukkunen |