Re: [Evolution] New feature for Evolution

On Sun, 2009-10-11 at 21:56 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
On Sun, 2009-10-11 at 23:42 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
If you mean (which is where you need to create
a login to report bugs and enhancement requests such as this one), what
exactly is the problem?

I have been filing my bugs at RedHat's Bugzilla, namely:
thinking that the gnome project was being managed by RedHat.  Should I
refile them at the gnome bugzilla?

The Gnome project is most definitely not being managed by Red Hat.  If
anything Evolution itself is more closely associated with Novell,
through their purchase (a long time ago) of Ximian, and most of the main
contributors for a long time worked for Novell (note this is Evolution
in particular, not Gnome in general).  Now it's more a traditional,
distributed open source project and Matt (for example) is doing yoeman's

If you find bugs in Evolution on a Red Hat distribution such as Fedora,
you can file bugs there if you like and presumably they will be
refiled/forwarded to the Gnome bugzilla if appropriate (i.e., if they
are not specific to Fedora).  Or, you can file them in the Gnome
bugzilla yourself.

If you suspect the bug is specific to Fedora (packaging issues) you
definitely should file in the Red Hat bugzilla.

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