Re: [Evolution] Backup contacts only


Am Freitag, den 20.11.2009, 14:37 +0000 schrieb Dianne Reuby:
Is it possible to backup just my contacts, rather than a full backup?
(Perhaps by manually copying files to the backup location?)

You are lucky, Dianne. Just a few days ago, I figured it is somewhat
inefficient to archive the whole .evolution folder to my usb stick every
day. So I wrote a little script which uses GNU tar to do an incremental
backup, see below. Of course, it's necessary to do this from a terminal.
I hope, you are familiar with that.

So first I would do: /media/disk/evolution-0.tar.gz ## 0-level
backup, i.e. everything
next time: /media/disk/evolution-1.tar.gz ## level-1 /media/disk/evolution-2.tar.gz ## level-2
... and so on

### Do incremental backups of your .evolution folder
#! /bin/bash

echo "Shutting down evolution"
/opt/evo/bin/evolution --force-shutdown

echo "Backing up gnome configuration for /apps/evolution"
gconftool-2 --dump /apps/evolution

echo "Creating incremental backup"
if [ -f "$1"  ] ; then echo "File exists, please choose different
name" ; exit 1; fi
cd $HOME && tar chf - .evolution -g .tar-g-evolution | gzip > $1


See also:


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