Re: [Evolution] evolution MAPI provider required

On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 15:39 -0400, Muhammad Sharfuddin wrote:
I am using the evolution that comes with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop
10 SP 2.
I need to connect the evolution with my corporate Exchange 2003
Server, that only talks MAPI.

is it possible ?
please help

I used 10.1 which came with a Novell enhanced Evo 2.6.  I am nut sure
what they are using in 10.2.  Perhaps a Help->About would help in
getting your question answered?

In any case, Exchange 2003 works quite well with evolution-exchange's
OWA connector, and MAPI is not necessary.  You will need MAPI working
for an Exchange 2007 server.

I used Evo 2.6/Exchange 2003 without any problems.  I expect that the
Evo version that comes with 10.2 works just as well.

Art Alexion
Resources for Human Development, Inc.          215-951-0300 x3075
4700 Wissahickon Ave.                                 art rhd org
Philadelphia, PA 19144                               267-615-3172

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