Re: [Evolution] help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Milan Crha <mcrha redhat com>
Sent: Jul 14, 2009 10:57 AM
To: evolution-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Evolution] help!

On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 10:47 -0400, Dinbandhu wrote:
I just transferred all my evolution data to a new computer--as I have done several times in the past--and 
opened evolution. It looks fine, and all my data is there. So I downloaded my new mail, of which there is 
a lot as I have been away for a month. It downloaded all two hundred or so mails, and expunged them from 
the server as usual. But the mail is not there in my inbox! So where could it be? It is no longer on the 
earthlink server, as it has all been expunged after the download. I do hope all that mail is not lost. I 
tried closing and reopening evo to see if the new mail would appear. But it is still not showing. And the 
"show" options are set to "all messages". So they should be showing. What do I do?

I'm sorry, but starting with questions rather than answers because more
info needed:
- what's your evolution version?
- what account type is this? (I guess POP3)
- maybe they got marked as junk?
- when you run evolution from console, does it claim anything?

All your mails should be stored under
those from POP3 has its 'pop' folders, for other types other
subdirectory. Those POP3 messages are stored under On This Computer,
thus I would start searching there. They should stay in POP cache
probably too.

Thanks for your reply :)   ( answered this right away, but by mistake sent it only to Milan)

Version: Evolution 2.24.3
Account type: POP3
Junk Folder: empty
"On This Computer" folder: empty (although it does of course contain all my other folders, which themselves 
have mail in them)
"Inbox" folder: contains old mail (transferred from my previous computer), but no new mail.
I do not know what it means to "run evolution from console".

Where should I look next?


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