[Evolution] Evolution 2.24.5 && Exchange && Deleted Items folder


Since the company I'm working for migrated to MS Exchange I have to use
Evolution as MUA and OWA (i.e. no IMAP). The server is configured I was
told (i.e. I can't check this exactly) that all mails in the 'Deleted
Items' folder are trashed once a day, and this seems to work so for the
OutLook users around me, i.e. they have some older mails in this folder.

But, whenever I go in Evolution to this folder it happens that I can see
there a lot of old deleted mails, then it is syncing the folder as a
message in the bottom line says, and after some seconds all mails are
away, even mails which I have deleted some minutes ago.

Why is this?

And: Can I configure somehow that a deleted mail does not go to the
remote folder 'Deleted Items', but to some local folder?

Thanks in advance

Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru unixarea de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
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