Re: [Evolution] Questions on expunging

On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 17:10 -0500, Internaut at Large wrote:

On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 12:28 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
You could do that, and it would work as long as you remembered to do
everything in the right order.

I'd write a script to do so, every Sunday, so you don't have to
remember, and put the script in cron, or something similar.  Or just run
the script first thing Monday morning, after it has sucked down, and
filtered all the incoming mail (a touch longer to wait on Monday morning
to read my mail, after being away all weekend from it, but ... worth it,
if it were to be the way I wanted to do things).

That's OK. As I said earlier, you can script it outside of Evo, just not
inside. Make sure the script and the Evo installation agree on what the
various folder names are, or it could get embarassing. And of course run
it only when the user is online to the server (can be tricky with mobile
users). And be careful about concurrent access to the mailboxes, which
is undefined in IMAP.

Also, I'd pin my "trash" to the current-old folder (so when you "delete"
a message, it moves it to the current-old folder. as opposed to simply
marking it as trash).

I've no idea what you mean by "pin my 'trash'". Evo's Trash is a virtual
folder which doesn't correspond to any one physical folder. Evo *never*
moves a message when deleting it, it just marks it.

Right, so I would want the "delete" button to be actually the button I
talk about, below, simply name it "delete" in the interface, but instead
of actually deleting mail, it would do a move (copy/mark as deleted) to
the current-old folder for things that want to eventually end up
deleted, if they aren't rescued from the trash before then.

This would (of course) be made easier if there was some way to make a
button that would move things to specific folders, as opposed to simply
opening up the move dialog box.

This still doesn't address the OP's request for "automated expunging".

Well the two in combination would.  The script and the re-purposed
"delete" icon/key mapping.  Being able to move things, with a single
click/keypress, into the current-old folder, and have the script either
automatically be engaged weekly (or by hand, out of habit weekly) one
then has the functionality asked for.  It's somewhat crude, but it works
within the strictures and structure of how IMAP works.

The "repurposed" Delete key means changing Evo's interface, since it
can't be done with Evo as it stands (which is what the OP was asking).
Of course it could be done, no question, but are you going to do it? And
support it? I know I'm not. So it boils down to convincing the devels
that such a fairly radical change is a good idea and worth their time.
Good luck with that.

Or you could just use Claws ...


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