Re: [Evolution] Question on adding a CALDAV calendar

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 12:17, Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:

I have a calendar that I wanted to add into Evolution that takes the
following format curtis domain com/calendars/MyCalendar

When I input this into Evolution it always strips off the prefix
"https://"; and changes it to "caldav://", when I run evolution with
the "--debug" option I see the error "Unable to load the calendar No
such calendar". However, it works fine in Mozilla Thunderbird and I
can navigate to the calendar in a browser.

Im running ubuntu 9.10 and performed some updates just yesterday,
prior to that the last time I tried the calendar it seemed to be able
to connect and retrieve. So im not sure if an update has broken it or
the prefix changing is incorrect?

CalDAV is an HTTP protocol so changing the prefix is not an issue - it
is, after all, just telling the program how to communicate with the
server and so long as Evo knows what to do, then it doesn't matter.
Some would probably say that caldav: is more correct than http:

FWIW, it has always worked fine for me with various flavours of Fedora.

Hmm... The RFC for caldav (
doesn't specify any "caldav://"-scheme, and simply refers to URLs of
webdav servers, such as

In this case, the webdav server is behind SSL, so if this is to make
any sense, at the very least there should be a "caldavs://"-scheme, to
signify that the default port is 443 and the connection should be done
using SSL.

I think it could reasonably be considered a bug that https:// is
converted to caldav://

I haven't tried this myself, but it seems from my quick Google-search
that it /may/ work to try the URL

caldav:// curtis domain com/calendars/MyCalendar

(I guess the plugin somehow detects the SSL?)

Good luck.

Kåre Fiedler Christiansen

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