Re: [Evolution] Reply Quoted Question? Enhancement Request

On Sat, 2008-09-27 at 09:29 -0500, dbrenner wrote:
I am running Evolution
I usually do not want to reply quoted so I have that selected in my
preferences. Is there a key sequence that will start a quoted reply?
Changing preferences to reply quoted and then changing back doesn't seem
to be the optimum way to go about this.
Copying text and pasting as a quote does not include the attribution

I thought it's in menu, like for forward, Message->Forward As->..., but
for reply it isn't there. I think I saw this in some patch from someone,
but I didn't find it useful, somehow. Mainly because there are 4
possibilities to reply to, like general reply, Sender only, to list and
to all, thus to which one do you want to assign that "Reply As" menu?

If not, Where should suggestions/requests for enhancements be sent? is your place.


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