Re: [Evolution] no signature verification from evo by gnome-gpg

On Tue, 2008-09-09 at 09:55 +0200, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

the combination of evo and gnome-gpg does not work for quite some
I could file a bugreport, but want to know whether anybody else has the
same problem.

Using Evolution ( I click a signed mail. After that the window
displays "Nachricht wird formatiert..." (mail will be formatted). And
nothing else happens.

At the same time there is a new thread (copied from: ps ax):
 8852 ?        SLs    0:00 gpg --verbose --no-secmem-warning --no-
greeting --no-tty --batch --yes --status-fd=66 --verify /tmp/evolution-
pgp.MKECHU -

When copying command output use preformat mode to preserve line endings.

which is never terminated. Killing it, evo displays the mail and the
signature is labelled as "ungÃltig" (unvalid).

What happens if you save the message in a file and use "gpg -verify ..."
from the command line?


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