Re: [Evolution] cross populating events to different calender servers

On Sat, 2008-05-03 at 15:18 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
Here's my situation (and I am sure I'm not the only one):

I have a calendar server at my job, which I configured evo to use.  I
can enter events and see the calendar just fine.

I also have my "personal" calendar here locally.  No server, just the
local evolution supported calendar.

It's perfectly feasible that I could have other calendars via calendar
servers too, but for now lets just keep it simple with one calendar
server for work and a personal calendar for home.

So, now let's say I have a doctor's appointment during what would
normally be a work day.  I enter that into my personal calendar with all
of the details.

Really, though I also want the work calendar to reflect that as "busy"
time so that people don't see that time as available and book me into a
meeting during it.

I also don't really want the details of my doctor's appointment on the
work calendar, so using that calendar for my personal appointments is
not an option either.

What solutions exist other than to manually double book my personal time
away from work into both calendars?


I'm not sure whether I can help here, I just want to suggest one thing:
even Evolution supports Publishing of calendars, or also Free/Busy
servers, (Edit->Preferences->Calendar and Tasks), then what about using
company calendar but setting a 'private' flag for the appointment? It
depends on your company calendar, if it supports it and treats it
properly, but it would be easier than the other things, I guess.
You can find it in editing dialog of the appointment under menu

(Note: I do not know much about free/busy servers or how to use
published calendars, so do not ask me.)

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