Re: [Evolution] Sending Mail vs Outbox

On Thu, 2008-06-19 at 11:50 -0400, Eric Morey wrote:
Hello erveryone,

I've been using evolution for about a month. During this time I noticed
that when I am finished composing a message and choose send. The message
goes to my Outbox and sits there until I choose send/recieve. I have
disabled the automatic check for new mail since I don't want to be
interupted or disrtacted by new mail at random times. Is there an option
to have the Outbox sent automaticly after a set period of time if there
are messages in the Outbox? 

You could configure it to send to a local sendmail process instead of a
mail server (preferences-><account>->Sending Options->Server type). The
sendmail process would then send it on independantly of Evo according to
whatever schedule you set up. Of course you would lose the option of
catching something in Outbox before it had left Evo's hands, which is
sometimes useful :-)


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