Re: [Evolution] Spell Checking Subject Line

On Mon, 2008-06-16 at 14:14 +0100, Ephraim Lindquist wrote:
I have not looked at the plugin structure for Evolution, but does
anyone know what the feasibility of adding spell checking to the
subject line would be. It absolutely blows me away that more apps
don't do this (especially Outlook). I think it would be a nice feature
for Evolution to have.

Nothing to do with plugins.  This was requested ages ago, but I assume
the team has been waiting all this time for a proper spell checking text
entry widget to land in GTK+.

Christian Hammond's libsexy has a SexySpellEntry widget that looks
viable, but I'm not sure how stable or actively maintained it is.  It's
not an approved dependency for GNOME, so the SexySpellEntry code would
have to be copied directly into GtkHtml and I'm hesitant to do so for
the usual reasons (maintenance overhead, code divergence, etc.).

That said, the time may be ripe for investigating what it would take to
integrate this feature.  Especially since we've shed GnomeSpell in the
latest development branch.

Matthew Barnes

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