Re: [Evolution] New Evolution installation -- three short questions

On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 12:58 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:

I searched on something like <evolution scheme language> (with another
term or two. I did that because searching for a common word like
"scheme" alone seemed hopeless. The same would have been true for a
search on "evolution" alone. Naming progams for common words is not the
cleverest nor the most helpful idea.

You mean like 'exchange' or 'outlook'!  The reason people use real
English (or whatever) words is because they are the ones that people are
familiar with and can relate to.  Real words are used because the word
chosen has an image already lodged in people's mind, and that is the
image that the writers want associated with their program.  It's the
same philosophy used when naming cars or housing developments or

Sorry. The point was that a word like "exchange", "outlook", or "scheme"
is of no help whatever in finding information, whether on Google or

2) In the Preferences, I have specified 24-hour time display. Yet the
arrival times shown in the message-list window appear as AM/PM. What
have I left out, and how can I change this?

Is it possible that AM/PM is hardwired? Doesn't seem likely.

The 24 hour / 12 hour is only for calendar and tasks - the format for
mail listings is taken from the Locale of your setup.  I'm sure that
must be in the FAQ somewhere.

Actually, the Calendar is showing 24hour times. Hard to remember which
is which? 

On the other hand, the message list window writes dates as MM/DD/YY,
despite the fact that the system setting is for DD/MM/YY. There is
something to be said for consistency, and even for actually observing
"system-wide" options. 

But bravo for the man who thought up the idea of using different formats
in different windows, evidently more or less at random.

Perhaps it's in the User's Guide, which I intend to read more
thoroughly. Probably other options are also found there, like selecting
subsets of the message list. Thanks again.


When I get to it.

Additional question (I joined this list only last night}: Is it possible
to configure the list so that it is THE LIST'S address that comes up in
replying, rather than the composer's?

That's a holy war issue.  IMHO the evo list is correct, the reply is set
to the sender - if you want to reply to the list, then do Ctrl-L.  It's
done that way so that you have to make a conscious effort to send a
message to thousands of people.

Clear. On most lists that I have joined, people don't want to get
private email from other users; I guess I'm used to that. Since you
wrote yours to the list, I suppose I should reply the same way; I hope
that's right.

Thank you...

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

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