Re: [Evolution] New Evolution installation -- three short questions

On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 01:17 +0200, Stan Goodman wrote:
1) I've scanned the User's Guide and read parts that I needed at the
moment.  I'm now in the process of building a system of filters; for my
purposes, apparently will need to use the "Scheme Language" mentioned
exactly twice in the Guide, with no indication of where to find
documentation on the Language. Nor have I been able to locate anything
through Google. Where can I learn something about it?
Scheme is a descendant (or variant) of Lisp. Google's very first hit for
"scheme" is

Perhaps you meant "how do I use Scheme in Evo"? Can't help you there I'm

2) In the Preferences, I have specified 24-hour time display. Yet the
arrival times shown in the message-list window appear as AM/PM. What
have I left out, and how can I change this?

3) Is it possible to Select all the messages in the inbox for deletion
in one action? Or is it necessary to scroll down line by line and delete
them individually? =;(
Ctrl-A selects all messages in the current folder (actually in the
current view of the folder e.g. only Unread, only Recent etc.). It
doesn't seem to have a menu equivalent, oddly enough. To get every
message in the folder, make sure you have All Messages in the Show
dropdown, then hit Ctrl-A.


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