[Evolution] Need help: openchange installation

I am trying to install the openchange (libmapi-0.7-PHASER) in my debian machine. The "make" is failing with the following :
Generating exchange.h
Compiling exchange.idl
exchange.idl:3: error: Unable to open include file `misc.idl'
exchange.idl:876: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:972: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1020: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1234: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1617: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1623: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1643: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1659: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:1739: warning: subcontext() is deprecated. Use represent_as() or transmit_as() instead
exchange.idl:2037: EcDoRpc: property 'flag' not allowed on 'FUNCTION'
make: *** [exchange.h] Error 255
The openchange configuration summary(from "./configure" outout) shows the following.
           * Install:
             - prefix:                  /usr/local/samba
           * OpenChange MAPI library:   yes
           * OpenChange Libraries:
             - libmapiadmin:            yes
             - libocpf:                 yes
           * OpenChange Tools:
             - openchangeclient:        no
             - mapiprofile:             no
             - openchangepfadmin:       no
             - exchange2mbox:           no
             - mapitest:                no
             - openchangemapidump:      no
             - schemaIDGUID:            no
             - locale_codepage:         no
           * OpenChange Torture Suite:  yes
           * OpenChange Documentation:  no
           * OpenChange SWIG Bindings:
             - Perl:                    no
Anybody can suggest me how get over the error during make?
[ Just for your info: I did not run "provision" after samba installation. I am not sure if that is having anything to do with this]
Thanks in advance,

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